60 Years of QLD TV

Days elapsed since Local Edition's end.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Content Survey Live: Season Mode: Round 5: Night 4: Everyone's Making It But Brisbane.

 It's the final countdown. The end of Content Survey Live's longest adventure.

Welcome one and all, to the final stop on this 102 day round trip, we call Content Survey Live: Season Mode. Last night, Adelaide likely all but assured themselves of a win this year... while Brisbane tonight, is going out, but will it be with a similar whimper to Sydney last week?
For the very last time, in 2024, here are the ground rules.

The Ground Rules:

Our focus, in Content Survey Live will be monitoring Ten’s five capital city news services (a benefit of technological change, now allowing us to watch interstate bulletins on delay), using the same criteria we used in the “Great Local News Study” from Kuttsy's Pitch XI in August, 2019.

-Locally sourced stories: that is stories reported by local journos. Really big local market stories with national impacts, also fit here. Voiced over local stories are counted separately.
-Live crosses: stuff that is used to embellish a story.
-Weather is not counted.
-Sport is not counted if it’s done by obviously freelance journos, or voiced over pieces: you gotta have dedicated reporters there, with their mug on air reporting a sports story for it to count.

-And finally: Some special rules will apply to certain events, e.g. Monday Night's "Hometown Rule" (where the city listed first, is obliged to be surveyed first), Brisbane's GC content count etc.

This week, the city observing a bye: is Sydney (effectively ending their season last Thursday night, becoming the first city to get a total score for their entire season)

Brisbane's season (outside the non-competitive event two weeks ago) has had very little to write home about. For 10, as news ratings sink to new record lows in SEQ (with a high possibility that 10's news could be rating lower than what Sky News Regional puts on between 5-6pm outside the SE corner) the time has arrived to make a clear decision. It's either going to be sacrificing efficiency (Brisbane bulletin being taped in Sydney), for relevancy (Brisbane bulletin being presented in Brisbane once more, and having the capability to follow up on breaking local news.), or sacrificing relevancy in both Sydney and Brisbane for a more homogenous product (e.g. 5pm windows cut to 1-2 local stories, all the rest are stories shared with both markets), that could cause more bleeding from the wound 10 has made for themselves in Brisbane: of which we have had no knowledge of local primetime shares since the introduction of VOZ earlier this year (meaning we have no idea how much the Brisbane news service's viewer bleed is affecting 10's 6pm-midnight shares locally in SEQ).
Brisbane knows they've won a wooden spoon this year... but there needs to be significant thoughts about how 10 goes about splitting Brisbane and Sydney's news... before Brisbane's 5pm numbers falls to similar to Adelaide numbers and may become too hard to recover from without significant investment. 

The lead story tonight, is the culmination of a trial in the US finding the 45th president of the US guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records, meanwhile the majority of local stories tonight all relate to the Townsville Mayor scandal, using ACA footage and a brief live cross from QLD parliament about a motion by Townsville councillors asking for the mayor's resignation. Why a live cross from parliament...

"10 News First!
We have no permanent journos outside Brisbane!"

We get a story about the naming of the victims of the Nanango crash yesterday, and a puff piece about fog, alongside a first weather cross ten minutes earlier than what happened during the non-competitive event.

Sport, was just consistent of two stories on two SOO games and a Dimma press conference.

Brisbane has not brought their A-game tonight, this night is fairly close to a F once the lead is out of the way.
The scores for the last time this year...
Three local stories (with a live cross incorporated into one)
Three sports stories.
Nothing in the body with a V/O.
On April 12: Brisbane scored a natural zero out of 10.
Tonight, Brisbane scored... 0.2/10.
Overall this season, Brisbane scored: 3.2/40.
Brisbane's strongest competitive surveys this season were when both Sydney and Brisbane's news services were standalone during summer. The lack of coverage outside the SE corner is still embarrassing... while Kendall Gilding is sitting at home watching the drama... waiting for the inevitable call: either from 10, or from Nine after the successful fill-in work on Today earlier this month.

Brisbane and Queensland needs standalone news on 10: and it risks being left even further behind markets like Melbourne and Adelaide if the network doesn't realise what has happened, and why their news is rating half of Tipping Point or The Chase.
One song sums up Brisbane's season this year...

The scores for the final fixture of Content Survey Live: Season Mode:
Adelaide: 7.25/10
Brisbane: 0.2/10

Adelaide wins the final fixture of Content Survey Live: Season Mode, gaining two points, completing a undefeated season... and are lifting the Content Survey Live trophy for the first time. 
The celebrations of a once unlikely achievement will likely kick off after the Matildas game tonight, in the city of churches.

A Flood Of Memories: 1974 Revisited.
(thanks to some Brisbane Telegraph and Sunday Sun microfiche over at SLQ)
The final look at the way it was fifty years ago today: with a front page describing a short-term freeze on building society interest rates in Queensland, in the leadup to a heated Premiers Conference in Canberra the next week.
(Brisbane Telegraph front page 31/5/1974)

As we close this series: Australia, is just thirty days off driving it’s last mile: metrication of speed limits on roads and travel distances take effect on July 1, 1974 (for example, Toombul Shoppingtown was soon to be no longer 5 miles from the Brisbane CBD, but 8kms from the CBD).

The Whitlam government faces a hard road of it's own (which really kicked off after the historic August 1974 joint sitting of both houses of parliament) in it's second term: with friction on both sides of the chamber: with a fiasco concerning foreign loans and senator replacements for Labor, and the deposing of Billy Snedden for Malcolm Fraser as opposition leader for the Coalition, all coming in early 1975 (as well as the response to another natural disaster: Cyclone Tracy wiping Darwin nearly off the map on Christmas Day 1974), ultimately culminating on November 11, 1975 with the dismissal of the Whitlam government by governor general Sir John Kerr and installation of Fraser as prime minister which ultimately sent Australia back to the polls for a federal government for the third time in three years.

Meanwhile a young Melbourne band with a even younger record label is about to break into the big time (alongside a program, still in the planning phase that will become iconic for our national broadcaster once colour TV arrives in nine months time), with a song that in our minds outright describes the experience we’ve shared together since the recovery phase began from a disaster etched in people’s memories.

Quite simply: we’ve been simply living in the seventies.

Later this year: there will be a standalone pair of posts, with some additional microfiche content (made after the success of Feburary 29's post), this time from the Brisbane Telegraph around the same time as the earlier Sunday Sun material (early February 1974).

The overall scores:
The wooden spoon winner: Brisbane, with two points.
Fourth place: Sydney, with four points.
The bronze medal: Perth, with six points.
The silver medal: Melbourne: with eight points.
The gold medal, and champion of Content Survey Live: Season Mode... Adelaide, with 10 points.

I think we feel there is a song coming on...

They'd said we'd never make it... when we teased on August 25 last year, a 2 and a 24 split by a TV0 you hear...
They'd said we'd never make it... When on Boxing Day we replied: a February start, and two events all part of a significant year besides.
They'd said we'd never make it... when Season Mode kicked off, lots of anticipation, could Melbourne pull it off?
They said we'd never make it... on May 13, kicking off a weeklong 50th celebration of the original 10's last full news service to hit the screen.
They'd said we'd never make it: and we've finally came through, a brand new champion crowned after a 102 days, and it was all made for you!
Made for you, Content Survey Live's made for you,
We've made it through... this one's made for you...

Well, that's it. The end of a Content Survey Live marathon. We intend to make a announcement concerning next year's format at the same time as the additional microfiche content later this year, with dates announced on Boxing Day..

All I can say at this time: both the current format and experimental format run for TVQ's fiftieth are being given extensive analysis at this time, to develop a CSL 2.0. format that takes the best from both.

And, one last thing.

On, November 21, 2024: The Pitch is Back.
Kuttsy's Pitch X-Two comes to Kuttsywood's Couch.

In the next few weeks, we will be launching a survey that will form part of the preparation for this year's Kuttsy's Pitch. It will be asking questions about local news, and how well your market is covered locally on TV. In addition, there will be questions related to specific markets, Cairns and Townsville.

The questions for those markets were inspired by the poor coverage by 10 in recent months of those specific markets, that we've witnessed in the lead-up and during Content Survey Live this year.

A reminder: if you enjoyed this, follow us on Patreon (and perhaps become one of our patrons: helping us build our way to a dynamic future), or our socials: on XBluesky, and Mastodon, as well as our official Facebook page.

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